Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Get Quality Brake Parts to Ensure Vehicle Safety

During a Sprint Cup Series race at a short track like Martinsville Speedway, tempers often flare and leave drivers and crew members alike seeing red. But it's not always because of the beating and banging going on at the track; sometimes it is the reflection of the bright red glow emitted from overworked brake rotors.

This process is a normal one. Brake components generate heat (energy), which is used to stop the vehicle. This heat is responsible for that red glow that's ever so apparent during racing action.

And although your home vehicle may not be under the same extreme racing conditions as a NASCAR stock car, your rotors are still exposed to the same process, which takes a toll on the life of your brakes.

Quality brake parts are designed to generate and dissipate heat very quickly, the keys to both long life for your parts, and safe braking. However, when it's time for a brake repair, quality parts are not always used as replacements.

Some automotive repair facilities advertise bargain brake jobs in an effort to lure customers into their place of business. When your brakes are repaired here, the majority of the times, replacement brake parts are used. Quality, professional grade products are often sacrificed to perform these brake jobs, directly affecting vehicle safety. In the case of brake repairs, you get what you pay for. Quality and safety come at a cost.

And although some brake components are required to meet federal safety standards, items like rotors, drums, brake pads and shoes are not. These components have a direct affect on the stopping distance of the vehicle, the noise created while braking, and how long the brakes will wear.

To ensure safety, have your brake system inspected annually. And when it comes time for repair, insist on professional grade products, which meet or exceed original equipment performance.

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