Wednesday, April 20, 2011

What NOT To Avoid on Your Car

“Car maintenance” is a phrase better left unsaid. The words alone mean big $$$ in most cases, and many people avoid their maintenance schedules because of it. It’s a draining expense that is required to get you from point a to point b. However, car maintenance is a vital tool in maintaining the life of your car. Plus, maintaining a good schedule means more money in your pocket and less shelled out to a mechanic. First, how often are you supposed to receive maintenance? All of your answers lie in a small space known as the glove box. Every car is supplied with a maintenance schedule-in the owner’s manual or in a separate maintenance log book-that includes details that vehicle’s need to sustain long and healthy lives. Taking a few minutes to assimilate the requirements will help you avoid the following car-maintenance pitfalls.

Dirty Air Filter

Air filters that are even semi-clogged hurt fuel economy. It’s like the equivalent of having a softball in your mouth while eating. Sometimes it’s difficult to know when to change the air filter, because it may not look dirty but could be trapping dirt internally. It depends on the weather in your area. If you live in a rural location with dirt paved roads or grimy city streets you might have to change it twice as often as the schedule calls for.

DO NOT Ignore Your Brakes

If you notice even the slightest difference in your breaks, like pressure, sound, feel or response, you should, no MUST visit a mechanic ASAP.

Tighten Your Gas Cap

Is the check engine light on? If so, make sure the gas cap is tightly secured before calling the dealer. This is one of the most common ways to set off the car’s diagnostic system, since a loose gas cap defeats the fuel system’s venting arrangement.

So, do you have any tips to add? Feel free to comment:

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