Hey, Fans. Here at the
dealership, we make your well being a huge factor. By creating and maintaining a safe
environment for you, we give you the chance to feel comfortable in coming to
see us for a vehicle. Any questions
regarding vehicle maintenance and safety can be answered quickly and
efficiently. We wish we could be with
you every step of the way after your purchase, but we know that most commutes
occur alone. That’s why we’ve compiled
some details of staying awake behind the wheel.
We’ve all driven home tired, even when we know we shouldn’t be. By following these rules, you can avoid turning
a bad situation into a catastrophic one.
Get a Good Night’s Sleep! – Getting a good
night’s sleep is essential to good driving habits. Eight hours is the usual requirement, but
almost a third of adults receive less than 6.
Learn and Heed Warning Signs of Fatigue –
experiencing wandering thoughts? Yawning repeatedly? Find yourself dosing off
periodically? Take a break and re-adjust
Drive with a Passenger – if you can, have
someone accompany you on the drive home.
That way, you can engage in conversation and avoid dosing off.
Schedule a Break – on long trips, every 2 hours
or every 100 miles, take a break to stretch and catch your bearings before you
continue to your destination.
Feel free to add your own tips!
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