Wednesday, September 14, 2011

How to Save a Life: A Group of Samaritan’s Save Man From Burning Car

 I’m not one to be cynical; the world is a strange and cold place, I know.  It’s full of thieves, negative influencers and shady politics, but today’s blog isn’t about debate.  It’s about a brief epiphany I had earlier, as I watched a group of people lift a car (yes, you read that correctly) and save a mans life who was tucked under the vehicle, a man they didn’t “know from Adam”.  Their amazing bravery caused me to choke up a bit, wiping my tears with the back of my sleeve.  The world DOES have good in it, and through our daily routines, we sometimes forget.  So, if you’re reading this blog entry, think back to when you’ve helped someone, or look forward TO helping someone in the near future, and check out the video below for an awe inspiring clip of perseverance through struggle.  Feel free to add your comments ! 

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