Mischief. Trouble.
Mayhem. These three words can
accompany a questionable decision you’ve made, a night of unwanted remembrance
or a tweet that you regretted as soon as it left your tech savvy fingers. We’ve all made questionable decisions in our
time, that’s obvious. With the emergence
of social media, it’s easier to broadcast your debauchery via tweet, text,
message or photo...in an instant. It’s
an immediate blast to the online world, forever etched in the Internet’s
you ever posted something you later regretted?
In most cases, you can delete a post fast enough to avoid
detection. However, once you push ENTER
and one person sees the post before you delete it, they can share it with their
friends in an instant. I.e. Anthony Weiner, the disgraced Congressman who
infamously tweeted a private picture, was the center of a huge scandal. It’s also hard to forget the tweet by Ashton
Kutcher, regarding the Sandusky scandal that read: “How do you fire Jo Pa? #insult #noclass as a Hawkeye fan I
find it in poor taste.” Before he knew about the scandal…the list goes on.
For the impulsive Twitter
junkie, there’s hope. A new app called TwitWipe is able to delete ALL of your
tweets in one go. This might be a
little drastic for most Twitter users, but if you regret most of the things
you’ve said on Twitter, this is definitely the ideal road to travel. Utilizing TwitWipe will let you start fresh
on Twitter without losing your followers, the people you follow or your
favorites. It’s more beneficial than
deleting your account because you still hold on to your followers, who you
follow etc…
There is a downside,
however. TwitWipe takes time to perform
deletion and once done, there’s no turning back. If TwitWipe is the right thing for you,
click: http://twitwipe.com/login.php
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